Terms of Sales

Entre Terres et Vignes
13 rue du Général de Gaulle, 51310 CHATILLON-SUR-MORIN
SIRET 82833037300014

This document is a courtesy translation. only the general conditions in French are liable.

To pay for your stay:

If you live in France: you can pay for your stay by bank transfer or certified bank check requested from your banker. (The simple bank check can be used if the receipt of payment is made at least 30 days before your arrival; in case of refusal of it another payment will be requested: compulsory transfer. )

If you live abroad: have a bank draft drawn up by your banker ("bankdraft") or by bank transfer.

Your signed rental contract must reach us according to the terms and conditions (deposit: check by mail + rental contract; transfer and rental contract by email).

Beware of the delay by post. (Prefer the transfer with the sending by email)

A paid invoice will be given to you at the end of your rental file either by email or by post

Article 1 - Duration of stay

The customer who has signed this contract concluded for a specific period may not, under any circumstances, claim any right to remain in the premises at the end of the stay.

Article 2 - Liability

The owner who offers services to a customer is the sole contact for this customer and is responsible to him for the execution of the obligations arising from these conditions of sale. The owner cannot be held responsible for fortuitous events, force majeure or the actions of any person unrelated to the organization and progress of the stay.

The contract holder is responsible for the maintenance of the gite, these guests, and is the preferred contact with the owner of the gite (carrying out the inventory of entry, exit, etc.)

If it is impossible for the contract holder to be present, an agreement can be made between the contract holder and the owner of the gite and this request must be submitted in advance by email to the owner. This request must include the first and last name of the person designated by the contract holder, their address and telephone number, they must be of legal age and stay in the gite for the duration of the rental.

The person holding the contract is responsible for the stay, the good condition of the cottage and these guests whether or not the inventory of entry and exit is carried out.

All useful documents (various regulations, etc.) are provided with the sending of the stay personalization form, at the time of the entry inventory and on request.

Article 3 - Booking

The reservation becomes firm when the owner receives a deposit of 30% of the total price of the stay (including booking fees) and a copy of the contract signed by the client, before the deadline indicated on the contract.

Article 4 - Payment of the balance

The customer must pay the owner the balance of the agreed service and remaining due, and this one month before the start of the stay. The customer who has not paid the balance on the agreed date is considered to have canceled his stay. From then on, the service is once again offered for sale and no refund will be made.

The owner, upon payment of the balance, will send you a personalization form for your stay which must be completed. (This allows the owner to respond to specific customer requests according to the terms of the payment.)

Article 5 - Late registrations

In case of registration less than 30 days before the start of the stay, the full payment will be required upon reservation.

The deposit by bank transfer will be mandatory in case of late booking.

Article 6 - Arrival

The customer must present himself on the specified day and at the times mentioned in this contract. In the event of late or deferred arrival or last-minute impediment, the client must notify the owner whose address and telephone number appear on the contract.

It is important to confirm 30 minutes before arrival by SMS.

Article 7 - Cancellation by the customer

Unless specified in the special conditions of the contract, the following cancellation conditions apply:

Any cancellation must be notified by registered letter to the owner. The amount refunded to the owner, with the exception of the administrative costs, will be as follows:
• cancellation more than 60 days before the start of the stay: 30% of the amount of the stay will be retained
• cancellation more 30 days before the start of the stay: 50% of the price of the stay will be retained.
• Cancellation between the 30th and the 8th day inclusive before the start of the stay: 75% of the price of the stay will be retained.
• cancellation less than 8 days before the start of the stay: 100% of the price of the stay will be retained.
In the event of no-show of the client, no refund will be made.</p >

Article 8 - Modification of a substantial element

When, before the scheduled date of the start of the stay, the owner finds himself forced to make a modification to one of the essential elements of the contract, the buyer may, and after having been informed by the seller by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt:

- either terminate the contract and obtain immediate reimbursement of the sums paid without penalty.
- or accept the modification: an amendment to the contract specifying the modifications made is then signed by the parties.

Any reduction in price is deducted from any sums remaining due by the buyer and if the payment already made by the latter exceeds the price of the modified service, the overpayment will be returned to the tenant before the start of his stay. .

Article 9 - Cancellation by the seller

When before the start of the stay, the owner cancels this stay, he must inform the buyer by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.

The buyer will be reimbursed immediately and without penalty for the sums paid.

Article 10 - Interruption of stay

In the event of interruption of the stay by the customer, no refund will be made.

The owner of the cottage reserves the right to refuse the arrival of customers if the terms of the GCS are not respected in their entirety (payment of the deposit, certificate of holiday insurance...)

There will be no refund from the owner to the customer for failure to comply with the rental agreement.

Article 11 - Capacity

This contract is established for a maximum capacity of 12 people. If the number of holidaymakers exceeds the accommodation capacity, the service provider may refuse additional customers. Any modification or termination of the contract will then be considered at the customer's initiative.

Article 12 - Assignment of the contract by the customer

The buyer can assign his contract to a transferee who fulfills the same conditions as him to carry out the stay. In this case, the buyer is required to inform the owner of his decision by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt no later than 7 days before the start of the stay.

The assignment of the contract must be made at cost price. The assignor and the assignee are jointly and severally liable vis-à-vis the seller for the payment of the balance of the price as well as any additional costs occasioned by this assignment.

Article 13 - Insurance

The customer is responsible for all damages caused by him. It is mandatory to be insured by a resort type insurance contract for these various risks which is to be transmitted to the payment of the balance of the reservation or with the personalization sheet for your stay provided by the owner.

Article 14 - State of play

An inventory is drawn up jointly and signed by the tenant and the owner or his representative upon arrival and departure from the accommodation. This inventory constitutes the only reference in the event of a dispute concerning the inventory of fixtures. Without signed and completed entry inventory; Entry into the cottage is impossible and the entire rental amount is considered as compensation to the owner.

The tenant is required to enjoy the rented property as a good father.

The state of cleanliness of the accommodation upon the tenant's arrival must be noted in the inventory. Cleaning of the premises is the responsibility of the vacationer during the rental period and before departure.

The rental includes a basic end-of-stay cleaning package according to regulations. Explanations will be provided to you upon request before your reservation and payment of the deposit. These must be attached with the personalization sheet given one month before your arrival; or upon your reservation this is a rental less than one month from the start of your stay. It is also given with the house manual upon entry into your rental and attached to the inventory of fixtures. entry and exit. In the event of non-compliance with these regulations, additional end-of-stay cleaning fees will then be applied and a minimum sum of 200 euros will then be requested upon your departure or upon conclusion of the second part of the exit inventory. by email within 72 hours after your departure. This amount will be paid by transfer within 24 hours or taken from the amount of the deposit. The owner of the cottage remains the decision-maker for this payment.

The end-of-stay inventory is carried out in two parts; in the presence of the customer before their departure and during cleaning after your departure by the owner. Any refusal to sign the exit inventory by the customer, the owner remains the decision-maker for the conclusion of the exit inventory and may, if necessary, keep up to the entire security deposit.

The cottage can accommodate 12 people, this large number requires structured regulations and organization so that the stay runs smoothly.

Regulations for the use of the SPA: you must specify the use of the SPA before your arrival, and without this the use of the Spa will not be accepted. (regulated SPA temperature) in compliance with its regulations. Any change in temperature or non-compliance with its use will result in the closure of the Spa by the owner and no compensation can be claimed by the customer.

Article 15 - Deposit

By transfer:

A security deposit, the amount of which is indicated in the special conditions of the contract, is firstly made by transfer to the owner's account before your arrival and the date is set by the owner on the personalization sheet. (a RIB from the customer must be given to the owner by email or on arrival for reimbursement of the deposit).

By bank imprint

The guarantee deposit by bank imprint is possible with the swikly organization, for any contract established from 01/15/2024 this will be done via a link provided by this organization to the owner which it will transmit to you according to the aforementioned conditions . This must be credited 72 hours before your arrival. A handling fee of 50 euros will be applied if the bank imprint is activated.

(These costs remain the responsibility of the owner if the deposit is not triggered)

Please specify this choice to the owner when giving the personalization form to the owner.

Without clarification from you, the transfer is privileged

In the event of an incomplete file and without payment of the security deposit, entry to the cottage is impossible and reimbursement of the rental is also impossible.

An exit inventory is carried out in two parts: the first at the time of departure in the presence of the guests and another at the time of cleaning of the gite carried out by the owner. At the end of this, within 72 hours, a final confirmation of the exit inventory is sent to the customer by email and the security deposit is returned within 8 days in the event of no damage and compliance with regulations.

In the event of damage, the amount of repairs will be estimated by a quote or an invoice. The cost of repairs will be paid to the owner or deducted from the security deposit. The remainder of the amount will be returned to the customer. In the event of significant damage, the client has been asked to take out resort insurance.

In the event of early departure (before the hours mentioned on the description sheet) preventing the establishment from carrying out the exit inventory on the same day of the tenant's departure, the security deposit is returned by the owner within a specified period. not exceeding two weeks according to the aforementioned conditions, that is to say that the exit inventory is carried out in a single part during the cleaning carried out by the owner.

Article 16 - Payment of charges

At the end of the stay, the customer must pay the owner charges not included in the price. Their amount is established on the basis of calculation mentioned in the description sheet and proof is provided by the owner when the customer requests it. (additional cost of electricity: electric meter read on arrival and departure and cleaning not carried out: according to the end of stay cleaning sheet given to the customer before entering the gite and on the day of arrival).

Article 17 - Disputes

In the event of a dispute, the parties will endeavor to find an amicable agreement.

If it is impossible to reach an agreement, the case will be brought before the competent courts.

Thank you for your understanding